wipro – Techno Functional Consultant

August 13, 2023
wipro – Techno Functional Consultant

Job Description

Role Purpose

The purpose of this role is to provide solutions and bridge thegap between technology and business know-how to deliver any clientsolution


Bridging the gap between project and support teams throughtechno-functional expertise
For a new business implementation project, drive the end to endprocess from business requirement management to integration &configuration and production deployment
Check the feasibility of the new change requirements and provideoptimal solution to the client with clear timelines
Provide techno-functional solution support for all the newbusiness implementations while building the entire system from thescratch
Support the solutioning team from architectural design, coding,testing and implementation
Understand the functional design as well as technical design andarchitecture to be implemented on the ERP system
Customize, extend, modify, localize or integrate to the existingproduct by virtue of coding, testing & production
Implement the business processes, requirements and theunderlying ERP technology to translate them into ERP solutions
Write code as per the developmental standards to decide upon theimplementation methodology
Provide product support and maintenance to the clients for aspecific ERP solution and resolve the day to day queries/ technicalproblems which may arise
Create and deploy automation tools/ solutions to ensure processoptimization and increase in efficiency
Sink between technical and functional requirements of theproject and provide solutioning/ advise to the client or internal teamsaccordingly
Support on-site manager with the necessary details wrt anychange and off-site support
Skill upgradation and competency building
Clear wipro exams and internal certifications from time to timeto upgrade the skills
Attend trainings, seminars to sharpen the knowledge infunctional/ technical domain
Write papers, articles, case studies and publish them on theintranet

Stakeholder Interaction

Stakeholder Type

Stakeholder Identification

Purpose of Interaction


Lead Consultant

Reporting & updates

Onsite Project Manager/ Project Teams

To provide off-site support and inputs as per client requirements



For solutioning and provide support


Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively:

Functional Competencies/ Skill
Systems Thinking – Understanding of the Wipro system(interrelatedness, interdependencies and boundaries) and perform problemsolving in a complex environment – Competent
Leveraging Technology – In-depth knowledge of and mastery overtechnology domain that commands expert authority respect–Master
Functional/Technical Knowledge – Specific to the functional and ERPsystem in depth knowledge of the function processes and system and ERPfunctionality-Master

Competency Levels


Knowledgeable about the competency requirements. Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with minimal support and guidance.


Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competencywithout guidance. Extends the competency to difficult and unknownsituations as well.


Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guideto others as well.


Coaches others and builds organizational capability in thecompetency area. Serves as a key resource for that competency and isrecognised within the entire organization.

Behavioral Competencies
Formulation & Prioritization
Managing Complexity
Client centricity
Execution Excellence
Passion for Results



Performance Parameter



Contribution to customer projects

Quality, SLA, ETA, no. of tickets resolved, problem solved, # ofchange requests implemented, zero customer escalation, CSAT



Process optimization, reduction in process/ steps, reduction in no.of tickets raised


Skill upgradation

# of trainings & certifications completed, # of papers, articleswritten in a quarter

Cloud Network Security