TECH mahindra – Delivery Manager

August 14, 2023
TECH mahindra – Delivery Manager

Job Description

Skill Set: Automotive Verification and Validation
Total Experience: 14.00 to 30.00 Years
No of Openings: 1
Job Expiry Date: 24/08/2023
Domain: IT

Job Summary
Manage multiple large scale, complex and specialised competency based customer projects with strong focus on delivery responsibility and delivery excellence, including strategic planning and tactical project management for the projects. Develop strategies aligned with the organizations vision AND drive their implementation. Influence customer perception positively, contribute TO relationship management AND drive account farming. Ensure development & delivery OF software services & solutions IN line WITH customer AND investors requirements through optimal utilization OF human resources. Interface AND engage WITH customers at a strategic level, ensuring that NOT only the CURRENT project requirements are met but also forecast the needs OR issues that may arise AND devise ways TO address those proactively. Ensure that ALL customer feedback processes are completed ON time. Ensure programs are completed ON TIME, within budget, AND within customer expectations FOR quality AND functionality. Ensure complete contract management, including profitability AND other parameters across projects. Lead various organization wide activities such AS knowledge sharing, innovation AND process improvement. Provide thought leadership IN professional networks AND contribute TO organizations brand building. Align WITH multiple units AND CROSS functional teams FOR creating effective value chain FOR the customers. Carry OUT regular reviews WITH various stakeholders TO ensure consistent implementation OF strategies. Support AND cultivate a culture OF completing documentation AND reviews, particularly the ongoing AND post project knowledge management related actions. Ensure that going forward the best practices become a part OF the standard process. CREATE AND maintain program level dashboards TO enable effective project management. Provide overall management guidance TO the team. Promote team WORK, motivate, mentor, develop subordinates AND manage ANY conflicts within the teams. Ensure that skillsets IN the team are built WITH the necessary certification. Play the role OF the Technical Mentor AND Coach TO the team, sometimes working WITH many levels down, TO both assess AND develop their technical capabilities.